Sunday, August 30, 2009

ecoLUXE Review- Chocolate Bliss by Maya Henderson

From Maya Henderson, ecoLUXE client

"I dabbled in superfoods before but always found the idea of trying to create the perfect smoothie or meal a bit daunting. I tried popular green powders, protein mixes and “power” granola, but nothing worked for my body. I was either hungry, gassy or just unsatisfied with the flavor.

Then I discovered Chocolate Bliss and it was like a miracle food, packed with exotic ingredients and pristine raw chocolate. As if the taste wasn’t enough, the fact that every single one of the 22 ingredients was a real food or herb sealed the deal for me; no nasty heated chemicals or weird soy thickener by-products. I mixed it with a generous helping of vanilla agave nectar and I literally felt l was on cloud 9. My mind opened, I was happy and my tummy felt good. Bliss took me out of a breakfast rut and serves as the perfect pre- and post-workout meal. It’s the perfect introduction to the world of superfoods and I can honestly say Bliss changed the way I view food, nutrition and my body. I never thought it’d be possible to get so much nutrition and satisfaction from a “shake.” I no longer associate eating a meal with a huge plate of food, which led me to find ways to connect with friends and family besides having it centered around a restaurant or bar (who knew board games could be so fun?).

A few months ago, I tried to emulate Bliss for 30 days. I ran to Whole Foods and spent a ton on hemp seeds, raw cacao powder, maca and “raw” agave nectar. When I got home, I could instantly tell that the ingredients weren’t as powerful. The hemp seeds smelled weird, the cacao powder probably sat in a warehouse for months and lord knows how long the maca had been on that shelf! My health is really important tome, so I didn’t mind spending the money on the items from Whole Foods, but knowing that I wasn’t getting the best quality for my dollar was quite upsetting! Still, I mixed everything up hoping for the best, only to find myself hungry an hour later in a crabby mood with a headache that wouldn’t quit. Also, that sustained energy that helped me before, during and after my workouts and yoga classes disappeared! That proved to me that Bliss lived up to the hype. I’m so grateful to have found this superfood and I love spreading the word about it to others. If you haven’t tried it, I can’t recommend it enough!"

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